杜秀紋老師 Winnie Tu
Ms. Tu, after dedicating 20 years as the director of marketing design, shifted her focus to teaching both children and adults who share a passion for art. Since 2000, she has been imparting her knowledge in various art styles, along with emphasizing the practical applications of art in real life. Her ultimate goal is to nurture and enhance the creative potential of each and every student she teaches.
- MFA, Academy of Art University, San Francisco
- BA, Chinese Culture University, Taipei
- Commercial Design, Ming Chuan University
Awards/Art works:
- Best of the Show, Taiwan Art Exhibition, and Hua Gang Art Exhibition
- Excellent Teacher Award, NACCS
- Learning God’s Words in Chinese
- Children’s Singing Book in Chinese
Work Experience:
- Founder and Director, Samwin Art and Design Studio, Cupertino, 2007-present. www.samwin.com
- Vice President, Home of Christ Chinese School, Cupertino, 2001-present
- Drawing Competition, Host and Chief Judge, Northern California
- Director, Promotion and Design, Chain Store in United State
- Art Director, Department Store and Advertising Agency, Taipei
Teaching Experience:
- Guest Art Teacher, High School and Elementary in California. TA, Computer Art, AAU, San Francisco.
- Instructor, Advertising Design, High School, Taipei
- 舊金山藝術家協會會員
- 舊金山藝術大學藝術碩士 (1994)
(主修平面設計,輔修雕塑、陶藝、紙藝) - 中國文化大學美術系學士
- 銘傳大學商業設計系畢 (主修商業設計)
- 師承:歐豪年、江兆申、吳學讓、李大木、楚戈、劉良佑、王銘顯、蕭本龍、王健、梁丹丰…
- CEF兒童主日學教師執照 (PK, Level 1)
- DeAnza College 幼兒教育
- 現從事美術教學、美術設計、教材編輯,並擔任中文學校教師培訓
- 北加州小學美術課課程研究小組講解員,繪圖比賽評審
- 北加州高中水墨畫講師
- 神學院資深美術設計及客座講師
- 教會兒童主日學老師
- 獲頒北加州中文學校優良及資深教師 (1995, 2007)
- 舊金山藝術大學電腦藝術助教 (1994)
- 高中廣告設計教師 (台北1983-1991)
- 主辦北加州非營利機構及商業機構繪圖比賽及主審
- 美國大型連鎖超市企劃設計部主管 (1995-2000)
- 台灣大型連鎖百貨、廣告公司、運動服飾設計部主管十餘年
- 作品獲獎於台灣省美展、華岡美展、北加州中文學校聯合會、…
- 編著:聖文兒童中文聖經教材、說唱兒歌學中文